
I cannot believe how much love and support is being poured out on me through my community.  So many people have offered to help in every possible way and some have given sacrificially in ways that make me tear up.  I can hardly express how blessed I am to have so many loving people in my life.

Last week I visited my new primary doctor who told me how unusual my cancer is for my age, I told him that he was the 100th person to say this 🙂 .  Tomorrow, I am scheduled for a Pulmonary Functions Test and a MRI.  Thursday, I have my PET/CT and then on my birthday I have an appointment with the cancer doctor to talk options.  I would like to say that UCSF has been amazing; all those who I have worked with so far are so professional, caring, and excellent.

Processing all of this has felt oddly calm and I guess I might still be feeling the shock or maybe this is just how it feels.  I feel at peace and I think that is because God is good and He is with me in this.  I still have thoughts of what will happen in all of this but I am certain of Jesus’ love.

Moving on to more amusing things, I have been juicing all sorts of fruits and veggies for meals and I feel fantastic.  I especially love when so many juice colors mix into a rainbow cocktail of goodness 😉  What are some of your favorite mixes?  I like ginger, lime, carrot.

Last night a good friend of mine treated Sarah, Aaron, Chelle, Deb, and I out to some spicy Indian food. Fantastic!  I think the Indian spices gave me some crazy dreams.  You would think I would be dreaming of doctors and treatments and cancer related stuff but last night’s dream was crazy click here to read.

Also I think you should check out my brothers zombie novel that he wrote about me here. 

Anyways, besides crazy dreams and juice, I am feeling very optimistic still and I very much appreciated all the health tips and prayers and love shown to me during this trial.

Be Blessed

Sean Trank

About Sean Trank

My name is Sean Trank. I aspire to help those who want to succeed. I am a promoter of many things and I love making good ideas known. I also have a unique sense of humor that has been honed and shaped from having a Jewish Christian background...or maybe it is because my childhood house had lead-based paint. Ok so please explore this website .

One response »

  1. spitinfo says:

    Rooting for your sir!

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